Our services
We offer a range of services to help you start your international academic journey.
We have agreements with private and public Australian, North American and European Education providers. These providers are categorised into three main groups:
English Colleges,
Vocational Education,
Higher Education.
We assist in gaining admissions to our partner colleges and universities in any state. If you wish to apply as a first timer, extend your studies or change your provider, our team can assist by planning out your goals and map the skills you wish to attain to a college and gain admission.

Visa Services
Our team is equipped with years of verified experience here to make your migration journey less stressful and navigate your through your Australian migration journey.
Student visas
Parent visas
Skilled visas
Partner visas
Training visas
Visitor visas
Employer sponsored visas
We help organise health insurance needs of temporary visa holders such as OSHC (Overseas Student Health Covers) and OVHC (Overseas Visitors Health Covers).

Skills Assessment
We provide a range of skills assessment.
ACS – Australian Computer Society
CPA Australia
TRA – Trades Recognition Australia
Engineering Australia
ADC – Australian Dental Council
ANMAC – Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council
AITSL – Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership